08 May 2010

Improv for Anders, or How to Hide a Poem #1

smothered, absolutely smothered
in the warmest two-armed velour bosom
the phone's receiver vaguely lipped over with black mold

should any festooned trouble arise, remember, or 
crack smoke rings with the best hand-me-down lips 
yr handsome black-blue escape, remember, or argue
the face in the island's mirror unable to commit to the win

things fall through your teeth terminal things bright
things may come to this. easy repeating things. lists.
men remember via stimulation of the limbic, women

hung on the tip of your nose hung from newly greened oaks 
hung from the noon sky hung from new oceans hung from rivulets 
of memory cut paths hung from a polished window pane
suspended freely beside a framed print of a Zorn gouche

a mother's exhaled feeling of feeling, nails dug under 
soft new flesh, free of disgust or discernible muscle
always new. rippling. introducing her into the universe.

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