13 December 2011

untitled 121320112028

the definitive experience
sulfur in the air of appearance 
you worked your adult life
to buy the car
flipped onto its roof
right there
the right hand of the highway
irreverent, filthy, fever fast
road flares draw your eye
keeps you away

the definitive appearance
keep truth at bay
sulfur in the air of experience
road flares and pay checks
car wrecks and committee chairs

you worked your adult life 
to buy a smile
speeding down
    (the first to nowhere)
to nowhere
lasts forever
flipped onto its roof
down there
nowhere, there
irreverent, filthy, fever fast
firefighters — uniform, pristine — peel back 
both driver's side doors, gut pillowy remains
pull out the body, put the body back on wheels

the definitive experience
the air of appearance. 

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